Specialist made dampers for both volume and fire control for various exhaust systems can be manufactured in a variety of materials utilising either manual or automatic control.
Actuation of fire dampers can be provided by incorporating the system either into existing fire suppressant equipment on site, or by providing pneumatic, CO2, electronic or mechanical initiation.
On smaller systems the items will usually comprise a single blade of multi-leaf type fabricated in either circular or rectangular section to suit the requirements. On larger items of equipment these become multi-leaf and are fitted with suitable linkage to provide easy control/function.
Equipment can be provided to suit various conditions on site including manufacture from corrosion resistant material, galvanised, epoxy painted or with an alternative surface treatment. We are able to provide interlocking of the equipment with either electrical or pneumatic systems, ensuring full incorporation into any control systems on site.
Case Studies

Case Study 1
Dustair are able to fabricate various forms of dampers to allow either isolation or modulation of the airflow within the system. The circular damper was utilised…
Dustair are able to fabricate various forms of dampers to allow either isolation or modulation of the airflow within the system. The circular damper (ab0ve) was utilised on a furnace exhaust system facilitating a switchover system where the exhaust was changed from 100% to 60% dependent upon the positioning of the furnace exhaust hood. The rectangular damper (below) was utilised as a winter/summer switch over facility enabling the clean air from the filter plant to be discharged either into the building or external to the building depending upon the seasonal conditions. The facility to direct the air meant that during the winter months heat could be recirculated into the factory whilst in the summer period the hot air will be discharged to atmosphere.

Case Study 2
Pneumatically assisted fire control dampers for a new rolling mill extraction system. These dampers use a spring return cylinder so that they will fail safe and are designed…
Pneumatically assisted fire control dampers for a new rolling mill extraction system. These dampers use a spring return cylinder so that they will fail-safe and are designed to close during a fire condition activation to stop the flow of air through the system. This both quenches the fire by starving it of oxygen but also contains any carbon dioxide gas released as part of the fire suppression system within the section where fire is detected. The second damper is a pressure release damper designed to open on fire activation, following the closing of the aforementioned fire control dampers. This is to stop the dramatic rise in pressure that would occur causing any damage to the ductwork or filter systems. These will immediately close as the pressure dissipates to contain the fire.

Case Study 3
These combined manual and pneumatically operated jumpers was supplied on a mill fume exhaust system requiring manual modulation of the airflow and a rapid…
These combined manual and pneumatically operated dampers were supplied on a mill fume exhaust system requiring manual modulation of the airflow and a rapid shutdown damper to operate during a fire condition. The fire control damper shuts off the ductwork to a minimum of 97% isolating the system to prevent any fire from continuing to progress. The pneumatic spring return dampers insured that they would fail-safe, thus closing the airflow off if there was a loss of pneumatic air feed. The damper blades are also weighted in order to ensure the blades remain in a closed condition. Isolation of the system ensures that no oxygen is able to enter the ductwork therefore the fire cannot progress once it has consumed the oxygen present within the system.